Junior Department

2 February 2023

Outdoor Learning – wood whittling, bread twists and binoculars

SHSK School

Earlier this January, Year 6 had a wonderful opportunity to spend a whole afternoon at Church Farm. That afternoon was jammed-packed with fun, interesting, useful activities like breadmaking, whittling and using binoculars.

We were split into three groups, and my group started by whittling. No one had done this before, so it was an extremely exciting experience for me, and everyone else. First, we were taught how to take the bark off a stick safely and then we got to try it for ourselves. Some people even got to be able to turn their bark-less sticks into spears or give them a handle.

After the whittling, we got out some binoculars. There were three different rounds, and in each one you and your partner had to spot something you thought was the best in its category. The categories were the most interesting thing you can spot in nature, the furthest away thing you can see, and the most interesting thing you can spot.

My group’s final activity was making bread. We had done this before on other occasions, but this time we made bread twists (which is a long strip of dough twisted around a stick and cooked) and a pig-shaped bread managed to sneak in there as well. The bread twists were a hit, most people especially liked theirs served with jam.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience. It taught everyone valuable skills that we will certainly use in the future.

Chloe K (Year 6)


SHSK School

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