Personal development

Personal Development (PD) is an essential part of every student’s week at St Helen’s. It is an opportunity to discuss some of life’s biggest questions as well as everyday challenges that students will face throughout their lives – from friendships and relationships, to issues with mental health, career options, online safety, personal finances, exam preparations, different cultures and much more.

The aim of PD, from Junior Department to Sixth Form, is to encourage students to engage fully in stimulating discussions, develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and provide them with crucial tools to help them in later life.

PD is an intrinsic part of the education and pastoral care of our students. Lessons involve a range of activities including roleplay, debate and teamwork that stimulate discussion, provide important information and allow students to reflect and respond in a safe and supported environment. Students develop self-esteem, confidence, independence and a sense of responsibility.

External speakers are used to provide specialist support in areas such as drug education, body image and relationship and sex education. Due diligence is paid to ensure there is a balance in the information provided and that sources are credible.

Lower School

Middle School

Sixth Form