Peer mentoring

Peer mentoring is a key part of our pastoral support network. This initiative sees students providing support for one another in different ways, not just through their friendship groups, and developing their skills as empathetic listeners. We are very proud of the way our peer mentors provide such sensitive support to those who need it, and the culture of cross-year-group bonding which this fosters.

Members of Sixth Form act as a peer support team offering wider support to the student community, with dedicated Prefects supporting younger students in the Junior Department, Lower School and Middle School. Students can apply to take part in the OX14 Learning Partnership Peer Mentoring scheme: a cross-school partnership, training young people to mentor and support their peers.

Find out more about the OX14 Learning Partnership:


There are also opportunities for older students to share advice on specific experiences, for example, members of Lower Sixth have a feedback session with Year 11, offering guidance on how to navigate public examinations ahead of their GCSEs.