Lower School

14 March 2023

Musical conducting workshop

Olivia (8K)

We were really fortunate to be able to welcome Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey into school for a special conducting workshop session with music scholars and members of Camerata.

Cayenna is a professional conductor committed to promoting social justice and environmental sustainability within and through orchestral music. She is the Associate Conductor of the Orchestra of St John’s, Director of Performance at St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, and Director of Research for the Oxford Conducting Institute.

The conducting workshop was very informative to understand more about what it is like to be a conductor, and different methods, symbols and terms that conductors use. There was a talk about how Cayenna become a conductor and then we played Gaillarde by Delibes. It was really fun when different people tried conducting, and I really enjoyed having a go! I learnt a lot about conducting and the musical score as well.

Olivia (8K)

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