Sixth Form

25 September 2023

EPQ presentation evening 2023

Ananya (U6D)

After a long year of work, Upper Sixth students finally completed their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) at their presentation evening on the 20 September. It was great to have such a supportive atmosphere with many Lower Sixth EPQ students and members of staff in attendance.

There was a great range of projects on show ranging from a dissertation assessing the impact of colonialism on the Indian judicial system to a robot created as an artefact.

Personally, completing my project has enabled me to develop a number of transferable skills such as independent time management and academic writing, which will undoubtable aid me when looking into the future at university.

The fascinating and diverse variety of presentations was impressive, and the Upper Sixth should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved!

Ananya (U6D)

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