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Welcome from the Admissions team

Welcome to St Helen and St Katharine. We are delighted that you are considering us for your daughter’s education.

Choosing the right school for your daughter can be one of the most important decisions you will make, and whether you are familiar with independent education or considering it for the first time, the Admissions team is here to help to advise and guide you through the process. Please do get in touch with us by email or phone with any queries or if you would like to talk through the admissions process, book a visit or request a prospectus. We are here to help and look forward to hearing from you.

Open Day

Our next school Open Day will take place on Saturday 5 October from 9.00am to 12.30pm. It is an excellent opportunity to discover all that is on offer at St Helen and St Katharine. Our departments will showcase their work in the classroom and beyond, and you will be able to meet students and staff. Your visit will include a tour of the School and subject-specific departments, and an address by the Headmistress.

After arriving at your designated time, you may stay on campus as long as you wish. The event will close at 12.30pm.

To help you plan your visit, you may like to consider the following timed sessions:
Headmistress’ Address – 10.00am and 11.30am
Sixth Form Forum (for those considering entry to our Sixth Form) – 10.30am to 11.15am

To reserve your place, please use the booking form below.

Book now

A Level Options Open Evening

For students considering joining our Sixth Form in 2025, this event on Thursday 10 October from 5.00 to 8.00pm will be an excellent opportunity to find out more about life in Sixth Form and studying A Levels at St Helen’s.

The evening will include presentations from Headmistress Mrs Dougall after which staff and students from each A Level subject will be available to discuss course details and answer questions. Members of staff involved with Higher Education and careers will also be on hand to offer guidance with choices.

To reserve your place, please use the booking form below:

Book now

Headmistress’ Breakfast

These are small open mornings, starting at 9.10am, where you will have the opportunity to hear Headmistress Mrs Dougall speak, take part in a question-and-answer session with members of senior staff and finally have a tour with one of our students. Parents are welcome to attend with or without their daughter.

The next Headmistress’ Breakfast events will take place on:

  • Tuesday 15 October 2024 – Junior Department Years 5 and 6 entry only
  • Thursday 7 November 2024 – all entry points

Book now

Family visits

Ideally, your first visit to the School would be at our Open Day at least one year prior to entry. Following this, families are warmly welcome to visit us for an individual appointment. Your visit will include a tour of the School and a meeting with a member of the Admissions team. It may also include a meeting with Headmistress Mrs Dougall on request. Meetings with the Headmistress can also take place virtually.

Please do get in touch with the Admissions team at or call 01235 530593 to arrange a visit.

Future open events

Bookings for the future events listed below will open in due course. To express early interest, please contact

Junior Department events (9+/10+ entry)

Lower School events (11+ entry)

Middle School events (13+ entry)

Sixth Form events (16+ entry)

Contact us