
11 March 2024

This isn’t going to hurt – medics event at Radley College

Sana (L6F)

Lower Sixth student Sana looks back on ‘This isn’t going to hurt’ – a special OX14 Learning Partnership event for aspiring medics hosted at Radley College.

On 5 March, we had a full day packed with activities and programmes replicating the experiences of doctors and other healthcare professionals.

The first activity was a ward round simulation of ITU (Intensive Therapy Unit) focusing on critical care and human factors. We had the opportunity to mimic tasks doctors typically perform, such as proning (a technique used in ARDS to improve ventilation) using the “Cornish pasty” technique. We also placed emphasis on analysing X-rays and patient history. This was followed by a detailed talk from a junior doctor who discussed the motivations behind a career in medicine. She provided insights into various medical specialities I hadn’t even considered.

We were then fortunate enough to participate in suturing with the actual kit medical students use to practise their skills, particularly important in plastic surgery. The excitement was heightened as it was our first time suturing, and we even got to dress up in scrubs, feeling like real surgeons for the day. Beyond hospital roles, another activity focused on practical skills like applying splints, slings, and using stretchers for field injuries. We even practiced putting casts on each other.

While most of the day was relaxed, there were surprise emergency beep sessions. We each had to perform CPR on a collapsed dummy, replicating real-life procedures. Another fascinating element was the research talk by Mr. Oliver McCallion. He focused on areas of medical research, specifically cell therapy. He addressed our questions enthusiastically, providing valuable insights into his research and career path.

Overall, this fantastic day provided a wealth of advice and a glimpse into the diverse world of healthcare. I am incredibly grateful to all the doctors and healthcare professionals who participated. The skills I learned will undoubtedly be valuable as I move forward.

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Sana (L6F)

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