Junior Department

2 July 2024

Juniors visit Hazard Alley

In June, Years 5 and 6 students visited Hazard Alley in Milton Keynes to learn about personal and online safety as they ran through a series of scenarios to learn real-world skills – Edith (Year 6) shares her experience.

In Hazard Alley, we learnt important life skills like what to do when there’s a fire in your house. When we arrived, we were divided into groups of around three or four, each group with a guide to show us around.

First, our guide showed us a simulator that she wanted us to pretend it was real, and told us that someone was drowning in a lake. The simulator looked like a telephone box which she told us to use to “call 999”. This happened quite a few times. For example, she told us to point out the bad things/objects in the living room of a family with a young child, then she told us the child got an injury, so she sent us to the telephone box to “call 999” and tell the emergency services what had happened. We did these kinds of scenarios until we had lunch.

After lunch, we walked upstairs to a room with two large screens, and we were taught about online safety. We then started writing raps about online safety and it was really fun! My favourite part was when we were in a model house and we had to pretend that everything was one fire.

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