We are thrilled to have retained our rating of ‘Very good’ value-for-money in The Telegraph Money’s league table 2025.
This is the second year running we have achieved this rating.
The Telegraph Money ranked schools into five groups measuring top grades relative to fees: Very good, Good, Fair, Below average and Well below average. To calculate each school’s fee-grade ratio, fees were divided by the proportion of top grades drawn from A level and GCSE results in summer 2024.
We received the ‘Very good’ rating in both the Year 11 and Year 13 (Upper Sixth) categories, reflecting the hard work and brilliance of our students and staff.
The Telegraph Money’s league table also analyses the fees increases in regard to the recently increased VAT, and our average fee increase is below the national average.
View the full league table:
Recently, we have also been ranked as the top girls’ school in Oxfordshire for the fourth consecutive year in The Times’ Parent Power 2025 schools guide, and retained our ranking as top 4 girls’ school for sport in the country in School Sport Magazine – read more: