SHSK Thinks


May 2022

Joint Service of Baptism and Confirmation with Eucharist

It was a delight and privilege to host our joint Service of Baptism and Confirmation on the evening of Tuesday 10 May in the Chapel of the Holy Cross. A congregation of seventy, including parents, grandparents, godparents, and friends were witnesses as one student from St Helen and St Katharine was confirmed alongside nine from Abingdon, two of whom were baptised as well. The Rt Revd Gavin Collins, Bishop of Dorchester, presided at the service, which involved both school Heads, Mrs Rebecca Dougall and Mr Michael Windsor, and both school Chaplains, The Revd Drs Karen Hyde and Simon Steer. Hymns were chosen by the confirmation candidates and the prayers were led by two of the confirmands. The St Helen and St Katharine choir beautifully led the singing and sang the anthem ‘Come Holy Ghost’ by Thomas Attwood during the preparation of the altar.

It was a joyous and uplifting occasion to celebrate this step in their journey of faith and each candidate was sent out with a lighted candle and the words ‘Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father’. This was piped on the Confirmation cake alongside the names of the confirmands and was enjoyed by all as we gathered in the Refectory for drinks and cake to celebrate.

Numerous messages and letters of thanks have been received, so thank you to all who were involved in making it such a special occasion.



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