ISI focused compliance and educational quality inspection February 2022
The most recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection took place in February 2022 and was a focused compliance and educational quality inspection. We were delighted that we met all of the regulatory elements of the focussed compliance inspection, and were graded as ‘Excellent’ for both the students’ academic and personal development. The focus of all inspections is upon the outcomes for students, and we were particularly thrilled by the positive responses of students and parents in the pre-inspection questionnaires.
ISI regulatory compliance inspection October 2017
An Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) compliance inspection took place in October 2017. A compliance inspection focuses on the safety and well-being of students and staff, and we were delighted to have met all regulatory requirements and had no follow-up actions or recommendations. We were also delighted by the positive feedback from our parent body and students in the pre-inspection questionnaires; the level of response was described as 'extraordinary' by the Reporting Inspector.