
Our day

At St Helen and St Katharine, each day brings something new. Select a section below to get an overview of the structure of the school day and a flavour of all that the life of a HelKat has to offer.


School opens

Before the school day begins, our Library supervision is open from 7.30am – a wonderful space in which students can catch up on work, relax or socialise with their friends in a comfortable environment.

Your daughter can also join a music or sports club at this time, for example, Junior Department singing or swim squad.


Start the day

Every day your daughter will be welcomed into the classroom for morning registration. As students settle in, they can catch up with friends and check in with their teachers during form time.

At least once per week, Juniors will take part in an assembly and each term they will participate in several House meetings. These events will enable your daughter to meet and connect with older students, helping to develop a sense of togetherness within our community.


Lessons begin

Unless Juniors are away on one of our many trips, for example, Oxford Castle and Hazard Alley, lessons start shortly after morning registration. A typical timetable can begin with a double period of Maths or a foreign language lesson but this can vary from term to term. Each period lasts 40 minutes.



Rest. Recharge. Restart. Your daughter will be given a 20-minute break to leave the classroom, play in the Quad and prepare for her next round of learning.


Lessons continue

In a typical timetable, this time is reserved for a double period of English but this can vary from term to term.



Juniors go to lunch 10 minutes earlier than the rest of the School. This provides your daughter with the space and time she needs to get through the refectory and select a delicious meal to enjoy.

After eating, your daughter can enjoy the outdoor Junior play area or join one of our lunchtime clubs – Junior Creative Writing Club and Board Game Club to music theory practice or even her favourite sport.


Lessons continue

Afternoon lessons start at 1.15pm. Typically this would be a time for Music, Drama or Outdoor Learning.

There is bound to be an activity that strikes a chord in Music and in Drama, Juniors will work together throughout the year to produce a summer performance, showcasing their musical and acting abilities.

At least once per week, Juniors will enjoy developing skills during Outdoor Learning – from teamwork and problem-solving to fire lighting, tent pitching and campfire cooking at our Church Farm.



A chance for Juniors to refuel on cookies and have fun with their friends before a final round of lessons for the day.


Afternoon lessons

For the final lessons of the day, your daughter might enjoy double Science in the dedicated Junior science lab or a Computer Science lesson in the senior school computing suites. The day’s lessons could also end with a PE lesson in our impressive sports facilities.


End of the school day

Wait one moment! Before heading home or off to an after-school club, we end the school day with an afternoon registration.


After-school clubs and prep

After registration, Juniors can attend one of our many Beyond extracurricular clubs, for example, Taekwondo or Junior cricket, or they could hone their performing skills in one of our Tea Concerts.

Our Library is open for supervised prep until 6pm – a chance for students of all ages to relax or catch up on homework until the late bus departs or their parents pick them up. The early bus departs at 4.20pm from St Helens and the late bus departs at 5.20pm from Abingdon School.