Outdoor Learning

Exploration, imagination and resourcefulness – where better to learn and foster curiosity than out in nature?

Since its introduction into our Junior Department curriculum, Outdoor Learning has become an integral part of students’ education with dedicated weekly lessons, many of which take place at our nearby Church Farm. During lessons, we empower students to take the lead in designing the activities they wish to pursue to develop their own sense of confidence – from essential skills such as teamwork and problem-solving, to survival and bushcraft skills including fire lighting, tent pitching and campfire cooking.

By immersing students in natural environments, our programme makes learning interactive and enjoyable. The outdoors provides a unique opportunity for hands-on experiences, enabling a deeper understanding of various topics – how better to learn about ecology than by constructing insect hotels?

We encourage students to have an environmental awareness by nurturing a sense of connection and appreciation for nature.

Collaborative activities and projects – such as sailing and rafting, den building and tree planting – develop teamwork and problem-solving in a real-world context.

Wildflower meadow and tree planting

Sailing at Farmoor Reservoir

Sustainable creativity

Trips and residentials

Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)

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