
All fees and charges below are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. If legislation changes, we will make updates as appropriate.

Registration fees

  • UK residents – £150 non-refundable
  • Overseas residents – £250 non-refundable

Deposit (on acceptance of place)

  • £1,000 refundable on final account

Termly fees from 1 January 2025

  • Termly tuition fee £8,052 (inclusive of VAT)

The tuition fee includes most stationery, the majority of textbooks, games, swimming, library and nursing in the Health Centre in ordinary cases of illness, but excludes any special medicines. In cases requiring special treatment or extra nursing, any expenses involved are charged to the parents. The cost of running late supervised prep and study sessions in the Library until 6pm is included in the tuition fee.

  • School lunch per term £360

Music fees

(Recommended fees but subject to VMT contract)

  • Singing and all instrumental studies, except harp – £339 per term
  • Musical instrument hire – £50 per term

School bus travel

Bus travel can be provided by the Joint Bus Service (JBS) which serves St Helen’s, Abingdon School and the Manor Preparatory School. Details of bus travel, including booking forms, can be accessed via the Joint Bus Service website at jbs.vectare.co.uk. Bookings should be made by following the instructions provided. Charges and conditions for using the service can also be found on the same website. Charges will be collected through individual school bills.

Supplemental charges

The School may offer additional items to enhance teaching and individual development for which charges will be made subject to parental consent on the school bill. The list below is not exhaustive and will change according to circumstances. Availability varies between year groups.

Trips offered in support of teaching

For example:

  • Lectures, visits or subject-specific excursions with most departments
  • Residential trips (Junior Department, Year 7 and Year 9)
  • Foreign exchanges

Occasional trips offered

For example:

  • Lacrosse tour
  • Music tour
  • Ski trip


The cost of sitting public examinations is charged as a supplemental item and will depend on the fees levied by the examination boards in question.


For example:

  • Music and drama productions
  • Parents’ Association events
  • SHSK Foundation events
  • Sixth Form Leavers’ Ball

Extracurricular activities

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and, for example, fencing, tennis coaching, sailing and dance.

Items provided for exclusive use and retention, such as:

Folders, project materials, maths calculators, careers advice, music examinations, magazines, musical instrument hire, science clothing, music and equipment, subscriptions to societies, games clothing and equipment, dictionaries, books retained by students, prefects uniform and club activities.


  • Parents’ Association subscription
  • SHSK Society

Miscellaneous items

School photographs, personal and property insurances, records of achievement, school fees refund scheme, additional tuition, leavers’ memorabilia, late payment charge, exam remarks etc, and charges for lost items.

Payment of fees

School fees must be paid either by termly direct debit to the School or by a monthly direct debit administered by the School Fee Plan (SFP). See below for details.

School Fee Plan

In association with a market-leading school fee finance provider, you can apply online to pay your school fees by monthly instalments*. It is quick, easy and once approved, we will notify the School Fee Plan of your termly fees, including extras.

*Credit is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.

Instrumental music teachers are self-employed. Payments for music tuition fees must be made to the teacher who raises the invoice and not to the school. Notice to terminate music tuition must be made in accordance with the music tutor’s contract.

Notice of removal of a student before completing Year 13 (Upper Sixth) must be given in writing to the Headmistress at least one full term beforehand, or payment of the next term’s fees in lieu will be required.

Notice of discontinuing subjects for which extra fees are charged must be given in writing no later than one full term beforehand.

The Governors review the fees annually in Spring, with increases taking effect in September.


Personal Accident insurance is provided for all students at no additional cost. No reduction is made for absence but School Fees Insurance is available from SFS Group, who are specialist insurers for independent education.

The school makes no recommendation as regards the suitability of these additional insurances and other providers are available.

Conditions of entry

However the fees are paid, the contractual liability remains with the signatories of the Acceptance Form page of the Parent Contract. The school reserves the right to ask the parent to withdraw the student if this is in the interest either of the school or the student herself.

All students attend the school’s assemblies and services which cover a wide range of moral, spiritual and religious topics. The school services are based on the Anglican Liturgy.

Throughout a student’s time at the school, the School Nurse shall continue to have the right to give the student’s parent or guardian or the Headmistress any confidential information about her if she considers that it is in her own interest or desirable for the protection of other members of the school that she should do so.

The school can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may happen to a student’s property while on the school premises.