Beyond ethos

At St Helen and St Katharine our broad and varied extracurricular programme plays a central role within school life. Students are offered many opportunities to explore and extend their interests, to make friends across age groups and to build confidence and self-belief through personal achievement.

We actively encourage students to try new things through our many clubs and societies, as well as activities such as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and Tycoon Enterprise Competition, all of which open doors to new experiences.


extracurricular clubs and activities


music lessons taught every week

Students can participate purely for fun, to broaden their interests or to follow their strengths and excel through selective teams or music and drama productions. Overseas expeditions, such as playing lacrosse in the USA, a field trip to Iceland or doing community work in Swaziland, provide experiences of a lifetime and play their part in developing self-reliance. We aim to inspire them to develop their learning and experiences, to enjoy all that is on offer and find their own niche.

Activities beyond the classroom give students the space and opportunity to make their own choices, develop their abilities and find their own path. It is this combination which embodies the ethos of the school.

Clubs and societies