24 March 2023

Abingdon Schools’ Careers Convention 2023

Mrs Cartwright, Head of Careers and Professional Guidance

The School was a buzz of activity on Thursday 16 March as over 450 students and their supportive parents from St Helen’s, Abingdon School and Our Lady’s Abingdon spent time looking ahead to their future careers.

The annual event has been running since 1997 and this year we had over 140 volunteer career representatives – the highest we had ever had! Students were able to move freely around the School, taking the opportunity to find out more about a broad variety of different career areas.

From the feedback received so far there has been an overwhelming response from the students as to how grateful they were for the event being held. One student said: “it’s not often that you get to find out more about what it is like working as an aerodynamicist in the motorsport industry, to then chat with an apprentice over in the business zone about studying for a chartered manager degree apprenticeship, before speaking with a local author about how to publish a novel… and that was all before I learnt what training is required to become an airline pilot!”

As always, we’d like to thank all those who were involved, and we look forward to the event happening again next year.

Mrs Cartwright, Head of Careers and Professional Guidance

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