
29 May 2023

Activities Week – Lower Sixth trip to Birmingham

It’s Activities Week at St Helen and St Katharine! All week students will be taking part in a range of fun and challenging experiences in and out of the School – from bushcraft and risk-themed workshops to first aid training, Tudor Day, film school and much more.

Lower Sixth started their week by exploring the city of Birmingham and visiting the University of Birmingham – Kirsty (L6G) shares what they got up to.

‘Our Lower Sixth trip to Birmingham began with a useful presentation from the Student Recruitment Officer about how to write good personal statements. We were next provided with a taste of student life via a campus tour by helpful student ambassadors. Not only did this show the beautiful red brick buildings and green space of Birmingham’s campus but it gave us an idea of what questions to ask, and what factors to consider on our own upcoming university open days. Having not previously considered much other than the city and topics covered in the course in picking my university, the student ambassadors emphasised the importance of societies, student welfare and campus structure in having a positive university experience.

The afternoon ended with a treasure hunt that took us in small groups around the city and along the canals. We even bumped into the filming of ITV drama, DI Ray, once again unable to escape the cameras! Though it was challenging at times, it was a fun way to explore a new city and get a feel for life beyond the academic that is arguably just as important when deciding where to go to university.’

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