Academic enrichment

30 November 2023

Aspiring medics and vets prepare for the future

Mary (U6G)

After attending the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Evening held at St Helen’s, I feel much more confident and prepared for upcoming interviews for my application to study medicine at university. The evening involved a variety of stations with doctors and teachers testing our abilities and judgement as future healthcare professionals, teaching us the relevancy of key skills in the career and the importance of reflecting on our achievements and challenges.

Walking into the MMI practice, I was nervous, lacked confidence and unsure how I would cope under pressure, however now I am looking forward to any upcoming MMIs. It was something different and new which made it enjoyable and exciting. Additionally, it is suitable for everyone, it will be beneficial for any job interviews that we may encounter in the future as it encourages you to improve your ability to talk about yourself and reflect on your own experiences to answer some difficult questions under time pressure.

Having joined MedSoc in Lower Sixth, there have been countless opportunities to develop and improve our chances of gaining a place in medicine. The MMI Evening was a great way to replicate the style of a real interview, with several stations, involving role play, teamwork, communication skills, our motivation for our chosen career and making clear ethical decisions. It immediately highlighted my weaknesses and strength which will only focus my preparation for my interviews in the future.

I’m glad I got this opportunity to experience the adrenaline of going into an interview and learning how to relax and shake off any mistakes along the way. Having this practice was, for me, the best way to prepare. It has made me aware of just how unexpected interviews can be, whether your task is to explain to someone how to tie a shoelace or complete some origami. I’m now ready for any surprises.

Mary (U6G)

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