Lower School

24 June 2024

Ballet Shoes – Lower School production

June saw the Lower School production and world premiere of Lizzie Corscaden’s stage adaptation of Noel Streatfeild’s Ballet Shoes.

Ballet Shoes tells the irreverent tale of three orphans who were miraculously brought together through unlikely circumstances and became the talented Fossil sisters.

Ava (8K) who played the role of Madame, the Fossil sisters’ dance teacher, reflected on the play: ‘Performing in our Lower School production of Ballet Shoes was an unforgettable experience. The play, adapted from Noel Streatfeild’s beloved novel, transported us into the world of the Fossil sisters – Pauline, Petrova and Posy – and their journey in the performing arts.

‘As a cast member, I had the privilege of stepping into this enchanting story, and every moment was filled with excitement. Ballet Shoes was such a great production to be part of, through all our hard work, perseverance, practising and (of course) dancing, we accomplished our ‘vow’ to put on a stunning show!

‘Rehearsals were somewhat tough along with all our other commitments, but the pleasure of seeing the show slowly build up was motivation for all of us to keep going! The tech and dress rehearsals showed us how far we had come as we ran through the whole production straight through, displaying to the rest of the cast what we had achieved. We were one big family all driving towards a goal. Creating this amazing play as just a group of Years 7 and 8 students in less than six months(!) brought us all together.

‘Stepping onto the stage in front of an audience on the first night was a rush like no other. The lights, the set, the costumes – everything came together to create a world where we, the performers, and the audience could dive into. Hearing the applause at the end of the last show and seening the lights dimmed down filled us with a sense of accomplishment and joy.

‘Like the character Pauline, we acted out every bit of us; like Petrova we soared up high like a plane to reach our goals; and like Posy we danced our hearts out. I am sure we will all treasure this show in our memories!’

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