22 November 2023

Dinner in Chapel (classes of 1990-2009)

Our series of dinners commemorating 100 years of Chapel

We were thrilled to welcome our third group of alumnae for Dinner in Chapel on Friday 17 November. This was the third in our series of dinners in celebration of the centenary of Chapel, and on this occasion the guests who attended had left School in the 1990s and 2000s.

On arrival the guests gathered in Old School Hall for drinks and canapes, where they were joined by several prefects, all to a backdrop of soothing sounds from a string quartet of current students. Next, the alumnae were given a tour of the Benedict Building, our new Sixth Form Centre. Headmistress Rebecca Dougall then gave a short welcoming address before inviting the alumnae to join her in the atmospherically decorated Chapel for a sumptuous three-course meal, where the conversation flowed as freely as the wine. The guests took pleasure in reminiscing with fellow alumnae and delighted us with their amusing memories of school life.

I went along last week and had a great time, would encourage others to go. And the food was incredible. Thank you!

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