Trips and expeditions

18 January 2023

HelKats in Paris

SHSK School

January 2022

What a way to start the term – A level Art and French students started 2023 by exploring the many wonderful sights of Paris, such as Notre-Dame, St Sulpice, the Palais de Justice and the Sacré Cœur. Niamh (L6E) and Izzy (L6C) share their highlights from one whirlwind weekend.

My favourite parts of visiting Paris were climbing up the Eiffel Tower and going to the Louvre. It was amazing to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle and be able to look down over the whole of Paris. This was one of the best bits, since Paris is a beautiful city to see.

I would recommend going to the Louvre because it contains so many famous and amazing artworks – it’s a must when going to Paris. I also loved seeing all of the unique and detailed architecture of the buildings of Paris, as well as going to lots of restaurants to eat French food.

This trip helped me learn about French culture and I could practice my French. All the museums showcased many pieces of art from France and other countries, each museum having completely different exhibits which made the experience more interesting and educational.

This has been one of my favourite trips so far at St Helen’s. It allowed A level Art students to study many pieces of amazing art, and gave A level French students the opportunity to practice their language skills and discover more about France as a country.

Niamh (L6E)


I really enjoyed this trip! All the art was so beautiful and it was very interesting to see all the different styles. My favourite museum was the Louvre, I really enjoyed seeing the paintings relating to the French Revolution and Napoleon’s apartments.

I also really enjoyed seeing the Eiffel Tower in the dark and being able to see it sparkle – although walking up the Eiffel Tower was slightly hard with all the wind. The view at the top was magical and we could see the majority of Paris.

I really appreciated how much free time we were given as it allowed us to walk around an area of Paris, choose our own restaurant and immerse ourselves in French culture. As an A level French student, I enjoyed using this time to practice my French and talk to native Parisians. Overall, this trip was really fun and I really feel like I learnt a lot about French history and culture.

Izzy (L6C)



SHSK School

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