1 November 2022

Iceland expedition 2022

SHSK School

November 2022

This October, I was fortunate to go on St Helen’s annual A level Geography expedition to Iceland. It was amazing to experience the beautiful scenery of the country and to see examples of what we have learned in lessons in real life. We were lucky enough to see the Northern Lights on our last evening in Iceland; it was a magical experience and certainly the highlight of the trip.

Despite the 80mph winds, we managed to pack our four days in Iceland full of sightseeing from awe-inspiring waterfalls and geysers to the relaxation of the blue lagoon. The Icelandic Lava Show – where 1000-degree lava was poured live into the room – was amazing, and we were even able to take a piece home!

For me, the trip brought into focus the devastating impacts that the climate crisis will have on countries like Iceland in the coming years, not only are the glaciers in the country shrinking at a shockingly fast rate but the melting ice also makes volcanic eruptions more frequent. As well as seeing the beautiful scenery of black beaches, hot springs, and volcanos we were able to learn more about the rich culture of Iceland – from vikings to trolls and elves.

I would recommend Iceland to anyone interested, not just those studying Geography at A level. It was an amazing trip that I am so grateful to have been able to go on.

Georgina, U6H

SHSK School

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