9 March 2023

International Women’s Day 2023

SHSK School

International Women’s Day was a fantastic celebration of women’s achievements and the positive impact for change every one of us can have in building a better world for women everywhere.

We started our celebrations in assembly where Headmistress Rebecca Dougall reminded students to ‘lift their gaze’ past everyday life and use agency and strength to have a positive impact and help to change the lives of other people around the world – no matter how big or small.

Our Equality and Diversity Prefect also announced the winner of our Woman of the Half Term vote; our student-led programme that aims to promote inspirational women from throughout history and highlight the changes they have made. This time students elected Lebanese singer Fairuz for her role as an emblem of peace, using her music to reach across differences and unify people during a period of civil war.

At lunchtime students fully embraced International Women’s Day by singing female pop ballads and anthems loud and proud in Old School Hall. From Dolly Parton to Miley Cyrus, Whitney Houston, Beyonce´, Chaka Khan and the Spice Girls, a medley of group performances resulted in smiles and laughter that lasted for the rest of the day.

And, last but not least, keeping with the official IWD 2023 theme of ‘innovation and technology for gender equality’, our Debate Club took to Benedict Hall in our new sixth form centre to consider the impacts of social media on women versus men. Stirring arguments were made from both sides, including the negative effects it has on body image and the positive impacts of community and togetherness social media can have.

Happy International Women’s Day, everyone!



SHSK School

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