
1 February 2023

Joint senior production – The Visit

SHSK School

The stage was set for another spectacular joint senior production from St Helen’s and Abingdon School students. This term, performers took on the challenge of putting on Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Visit – a play in which the glamorous Madame Zachanassian returns to her impoverished hometown of Güllen to exact revenge on her ex-lover Anton Schill who betrayed her many years ago. Lower Sixth students Hester, Grace and Lucy who played the roles of the Pastor, the Painter and the Doctor recount their favourite parts.

The Visit is a morally intriguing play about a billionairess who was wronged as a teenager. Returning after 45 years, she offers the townspeople one billion German marks to kill the man responsible. At first the townspeople are horrified by the suggestion, but as time passes the lure of a better life causes their consciences to waiver.

We started rehearsals in September and the performances took place from the 25–27 January. Throughout rehearsals we could see our acting skills improving along with our confidence, since we were encouraged to get involved with the music in the production as well. Lucy sang in the songs, Hester played the piano and Grace got the opportunity to compose a short piece.

The show nights were so exciting and a very proud moment for all of us to see something we had worked so hard on come to life.

Hester, Grace and Lucy (Lower Sixth)



SHSK School

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