22 May 2023

Joint Service of Baptism and Confirmation

Revd Dr Karen Hyde, School Chaplain

On Monday 24 April 2023, The Rt Revd Gavin Collins, Bishop of Dorchester, came to Abingdon School Chapel to confirm 17 students, and to baptise one of them. It was a wonderful occasion with friends, family, godparents and many supporters in attendance. Abingdon School were wonderful hosts providing a tea before the service for the Confirmands, and a delicious hot supper afterwards for all the guests.

There were ten St Helen‘s students who had attended Confirmation preparation classes throughout Lent term and felt ready to take this next step. To see so many young people publicly declaring their faith was very moving.

After the event, one of the Confirmands, Isabella (9M) shared her thoughts: ‘This was such a special amazing learning journey. I truly developed my understanding of the Christian faith.’


Revd Dr Karen Hyde, School Chaplain

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