Trips and expeditions

3 June 2024

Junior residential 2024

During Activities Week, Juniors enjoyed three days at PGL Liddington for their annual residential trip.

HelKats took part in a range of outdoor challenges, including canoeing, climbing, abseiling, trapeze, orienteering, a sensory trail, as well as fun and games around the campfire in the evening.

Ines (Year 6) said: ‘PGL was very fun and memorable. We did activities like abseiling, rock climbing and playing survivor in the forest. The one I liked the most was the giant swing because my group went to the very top and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Although the games were entertaining, the most exciting thing was the 3am fire alarm!! We all found it a bit scary, but it was still my favourite part. The residential was like a big, long sleepover with my friends. I couldn’t have asked for more.’

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