Sixth Form

27 June 2024

Lower Sixth geographers explore Dorset

Lucy (L6B)

On 20–21 June, Lower Sixth geographers went on a trip to Swanage and Studland Bay in Dorset to investigate different aspects of a coastal environment.

On the first day of the two-day trip, we investigated sand dune succession at Studland Bay, including looking at percentage vegetation cover and creating a sand dune profile using ranging poles and clinometers. In the afternoon, we examined methods of coastal management in the area, finishing with an ice cream in the sun.

After arriving at our hostel in the evening, we used the data we had collected to carry out statistical tests, helping us plan which we’ll use in our own coursework. We finished off the day with fish and chips in Swanage – well-deserved after a long day of collecting data.

On the second day, the weather was even better – although not so good for those of us who had caught the sun the first day! We collected our wave count and beach profile data – with plenty of time for another ice cream and a relax on the beach – before moving on to the afternoon’s work. This included a cost-benefit analysis and questionnaires to ask people their views on coastal management. We then had our lunch overlooking the sea before returning to school by coach.

The trip was very helpful for those of us planning a physical investigation for our coursework, and gave all of us an opportunity to practice our fieldwork skills across a variety of different data collection methods. Having our ice creams on the beach was definitely a highlight!

Discover our broad A level Geography curriculum and the many academic enrichment opportunities available during the course.

A level Geography

Lucy (L6B)

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