Sixth Form

18 June 2024

Lower Sixth Languages Forum at Radley College

Flora Burrows, Teacher of Spanish and Head of French

Lower Sixth linguists had the exciting opportunity to take part in a Languages Forum at Radley College on Friday 14 June.

Lower Sixth French, German and Spanish linguists were invited to take part in an evening of talks and speaking activities. After a few ice-breaker games of Petit Bac, Taboo and Dobble amongst others, they heard a variety of talks on untranslatable phrases and idioms, French Slang ‘Verlan’, the OuLipo movement and its creative use of language. All students enjoyed discussing a range of topics on cultural and social issues.

Cecilia (Lower Sixth) said: ‘We were split off into groups of our chosen A level language and played lots of games, listened to two talks related to our chosen language and had a delicious dinner kindly prepared by one of the Radley language teachers. Overall, the evening helped us improve our speaking skills through many conversations in our language and allowed us to talk about topics outside our curriculum.’

The evening was a great way to broaden students’ understanding of topics such as immigration, music, media, festivals and traditions, and encourage open discussion in the language they study for A level.

Find out more about our A level and St Katharine’s Study (SKS) options:

A level FrenchA level GermanA level SpanishSKS ArabicSKS MandarinLearn more about our partnership opportunities

Flora Burrows, Teacher of Spanish and Head of French

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