
23 June 2023

Sisters n Sport national football final 2023

Congratulations to our U13 footballers this Trinity term. The team played fantastically well and progressed to the national final of the Sisters n Sport Plate competition. U13 Captain, Scarlett (8J), shared her thoughts from the day.

‘This term, we played in the national final of the Sisters n Sport Plate at Repton against Sale Grammar School. It was an early start, with a long journey to the venue, but it was definitely worth it. The facilities and pitches at the school were amazing, and the weather was very hot and sunny throughout.

Sale Grammar School was a tough side, with some very good players which were a challenge for us, however we got off to a great first half. We had so many opportunities, dominating and playing some great football. Unfortunately, they got lucky with a last-minute goal before half time.

After a team talk and sweets to fuel us from Mrs Sillence, we kept our heads up and gave it our all in the second half. Again, we dominated, coming so close to scoring with our goalkeeper and defence playing amazing to keep the ball down our attacking end. Just as we were hopeful an equaliser would come, they secured their win by scoring again in the last five minutes.

It was disappointing knowing we came as the better side, but it is an experience the team will learn from and never forget. For making the finals, after the match we managed to push Miss Hawtin for a trip to the cafe, followed by a long round of karaoke on the way home!

The team has come a long way this season, and we are all looking forward for what next season will bring.’

Miss Hawtin, Head of Football

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