Sixth Form

6 July 2023

University Advice Morning 2023

Chloe (L6C), Communications Prefect 2022-23

On Tuesday, Lower Sixth had the opportunity to talk to SHSK alumnae currently at or recently graduated from university. We asked questions about the universities they went to in general as well as the many courses they did, including International Relations and Architecture amongst others.

Here is what some of our Lower Sixth had to say about what they gained from Uni Advice Morning 2023.

Peony – ‘It was very insightful to talk to current university students and gain a better understanding of what uni life is like!’

Vongai – ‘It helped me finalise my choices for university and gave me comfort in knowing that uni won’t be too overwhelming’.

Niamh – ‘I found it very helpful to ask about the collegiate system from an unbiased perspective.’

Emily – ‘They had good knowledge on accommodation and student life.’

Josie – ‘I thought that it was a great opportunity to get answers to any questions I have, from people with first-hand experience.’

Chloe (L6C), Communications Prefect 2022-23

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