Sixth Form

14 March 2024

Careers in Medicine – alumnae insight talk

Elli (L6D)

Aspiring medics were invited to listen to a panel of expert speakers and hear their insights on professions in healthcare.

The evening began with a talk from Dr Hannah Talbot who shared her inspiring story. She taught us that a career in medicine can take you anywhere – whether receiving medical training on the other side of the globe, flying in a helicopter every day as part of a first response service, or even just working close to home in a nearby hospital.

Next, we heard from Darius Oraee and Fernanda Fenn Torrente. The two alluded to the fact that a career in medicine can be unpredictable due to the vast number of opportunities available. Hearing about Fernanda’s experiences while working as a paediatric doctor highlighted the immensely rewarding side of being a medic, whilst also bringing to our attention the great responsibility that comes with being able to save others’ lives. Meanwhile, Darius spoke about the exciting range of choices open to medical students – through intercalation or otherwise.

Our fourth speaker of the evening was the very informative Claire Johnson from the Brighton and Sussex Medical School admissions team. She gave us some invaluable advice on how to pick which medical schools to apply for, and how to spend your time wisely on an open day.

Finally, we had the opportunity to hear from St Helen’s alumna, Emily Shearman, who came in to talk about applying to medical schools, and how to handle the very real chance of rejection.

Overall, the medical information evening provided us with so much knowledge of the potential opportunities ahead of us, as well as a deeper awareness of the good and the bad aspects of a career in medicine. Thank you so much to all the speakers for coming in to share their stories, and to Dr Darcy and Mrs Darcy for organising this event – it was a huge help to all of us.

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Elli (L6D)

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