
30 June 2023

Wrapped – summer art exhibition 2023

All manner of creative work from across the School was showcased during our 2023 exhibition, ‘Wrapped’. The evening featured astonishing sculptures of wood and clay, surrealist paintings, ceramics depicting otherworldly forms, and wire and twine manipulated to create thought-provoking and stunning new shapes.

Evie (L6H) shared more on the exhibition, saying: ‘This year’s theme was ’Wrapped‘ and throughout the School an impressive array of paintings, ceramics, and various creative pieces were beautifully displayed and accompanied by students’ detailed sketchbooks. The imaginative concepts and brilliant execution indicate the huge amount of time the students have dedicated to hard work and imaginative thinking. Well done to all who took part!

Miss Devine, Head of Art, added: ‘We delighted in welcoming parents and our wider community into the School for our Summer Art Exhibition for the 2023 cohort, this year titled “Wrapped”.

This year, the warm collaborative atmosphere of the A level group was evident in the cohesive feel of the show we were able to put on. Despite showing ten very different students’ work, there is a wonderful sense that the students have worked together to improve and develop their artistic practice, understanding that creativity never flourishes in isolation.

The Year 11 students saw the return of the Art Externally Set Assignment, and we saw an array of wonderful work, responding to this year’s theme of Locked. We wish to highlight the hard work that goes into the exhibition set up by Penny Davis the Art technician, who once again, did a super job.’

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