SHSK Thinks


July 2022

Whole School Eucharist at St Helen’s Church, Abingdon

To be all together for our whole school Eucharist at St Helen’s Church to mark the end of the school year was truly special. In a year when life has mostly returned to normal it was the first time that I’d had the privilege of Presiding at a Eucharist for the whole school community and of taking a service in our patronal church.

My thanks go to the various representatives who helped to ensure that the service ran smoothly – from Year 5, 6 and 7 for helping to lead the Eucharistic prayer so confidently; to Year 10 for demonstrating the ‘Origami Story’ with such panache; and to the Sacristans who wrote and led the prayers, as well as distributing Holy Communion; to the Prefects who marshalled everyone so efficiently and the numerous members of staff who helped in various crucial ways throughout. I received numerous messages of thanks and which I’d like to pass on, so thank you to everyone who was involved in making it such a special occasion.

It was a joyous coming together which helped remind us that as we went on our different journeys for the summer break, whether we know God or not, God knows us, is here with us, and will be with us wherever we go. And we heard in the reading from the Gospel of John that Jesus shows us the way. He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life” and this is what happened with the leftover cuttings from our origami story:







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