Design and Technology (AQA)

The Design and Technology A level specification is a forward-thinking qualification that will give you an insight into the role of a commercial designer, as well as practical experience and understanding of technical principles and manufacturing processes.

The course will suit you if you have an interest in product design development, a curiosity of how products are designed and manufactured and those with a flair for creativity. It provides a good background to all those interested in engineering or designing in its widest sense. The A level is a natural progression from the GCSE Design and Technology course, and as such builds upon the practical skills and processes covered at this level.

Topics studied

The A level course is made up of an NEA unit (50% weighting) and two written papers (50% weighting). The course, although heavily biased towards practical development, does have an equal element of theory and design folio content. Since maths is examined in both written papers, a strong GCSE pass in this subject is recommended. You will also need good time management skills and must be willing to work consistently across the year.


A*–A in A level Design and Technology in 2024


A*–B in A level Design and Technology in 2024

“This course is so versatile, as it combines creative and practical thinking with scientific knowledge.“
“I love that this course is so versatile, as it combines creative and practical thinking with scientific knowledge. I think it's great to have a creative subject and would definitely recommend DT to anyone."

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