The Sixth Form at St Helen’s will be the best, most exciting part of your school career, and at the heart of this will be your academic studies.
Academic life in St Helen’s Sixth Form is challenging – and all the more rewarding for it. It is based upon individual choice, growing your expertise and confidence in your chosen subjects and, importantly, the promotion of learning that extends beyond the curriculum.
At the core of your curriculum will be your choice of three, four or even five A levels from the 23 subjects we offer.
You will also select one or two options from our St Katharine’s Study (SKS) programme, which offers a range of externally accredited qualifications and academic enrichment courses. The programme is rooted in a spirit of curiosity and enquiry, enabling you to extend your academic horizons further and pick courses which complement or provide a contrast to your A level options.
In selecting your individual programme of study, you have free choice. We do not constrain students by asking them to pick A levels from blocks. You will have a bespoke programme, selected by you, for you, from the wide range of options available.